What we Rogues discovered, researched, and talked about in March…
Our first blog of March was a (very) brief history of libel from our own @#%!, Lisa Black. When did laws outlawing libel and slander hit the books and what effect has it had on society and laws? Find out in You Can’t Say That!

Next, The Long March Home Giveaway went live! Twenty-five fans of Tosca Lee and Marcus Brotherton won Advance Reader Copies of the May release. Winners were chosen on March 18th—Did you miss out? No worries, another Giveaway is underway now and running through April.
Did you hear about The Long March Home through word of mouth? That’s not so uncommon; word of mouth is how most people receive their book recommendations. Discover a new way authors use this resource for their own book promotion in Chris Goff‘s article The Art of Promotion.
The middle of March ushered in Z.J. Czupor‘s Mystery Minute. Our trip to the past featured an author who wrote big novels about complicated lives in a wide breadth of genres. From his war fiction to his woman’s fiction, the spotlight is on the work of Herman Wouk.

Both itching to grab another novel and knowing you have no room for it at home? You are grabbing it any way, aren’t you? We understand—because, we do the same. How are you to know when you’ve got too many books? It depends on who you ask—and Gayle Lynds has asked us all. See seven of our brave, bestselling authors’ overflowing bookcases and read their views on collecting books in this installment of Ask the Rogues.
Having shown you our bookcases, we passed control to our extraordinary guest Barbara Ross, who took us back in time to 1800s Boothbay, Maine—the site of a notorious, double homicide.
We then flashed back to present day to celebrate our Rogues’ newest release: Infinity: A Suspense Magazine Anthology. Suspense Magazine’s fantastic anthology showcases works from many award-winning authors, including three of our own Rogues: Tosca Lee, Isabella Maldonado, and K.J. Howe.

Writing may define the writer, but more goes into the life of an author. There’s editing, signings, and, of course, conferences to attend far and wide. Our own Rogue, Tracy Clark, has been very busy this conference season—particularly in Tucson, Arizona, where she has traveled twice in March alone. Read all about it in The Tale of Two Trips to Tucson.
Next, we revealed the four lucky winners from our March 13th Rogue Reads event! For a chance to win a book from our April Rogue Reads guests, register here.
As March came to a close, we discovered Rogue Women Writers had gone to the dogs. Karna Small Bodman‘s blog Dogs as “Novel” Characters featured some of her favorite “dogs gone rogue” as characters in their own stories.

Thank you for joining us here on Rogue Women Writers. We can’t wait to share all we have in store for April!
It was a great blog month!