On Tour With Dead Writers

by | Oct 10, 2023 | Mystery Minute, The Writer's Life | 2 comments

By Z.J. Czupor

On Tour with Dead Writers is Z.J. Czupor‘s new installment on Rogue Women Writers. Guess the correct dead writer and be entered to win a free book.

Over the duration of her short life and writing career, this author wrote six novels, two memoirs and more than 200 short stories. Stephen King called her fifth novel, which combines psychology with the supernatural, “one of the most important horror novels of the twentieth century.” In 2007, an award was established in her name for outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror, and the dark fantastic.

Who was this award-winning horror and mystery writer?

The winner will be randomly chosen from those who respond to mysteryminutecontest@gmail.com with the correct answer by 12:00 p.m., ET, October 20th. The prize? A book by one of our Rogue authors! This month it will be Runner by Tracy Clark.

(Shipping to U.S. addresses only.)

Did you guess Ngaio Marsh last month? Brenda in Ohio won a copy of Lisa Black‘s Red Flags!

Good luck!

Z.J. Czupor is president of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and past Vice President of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Mystery Writers of America (RMMWA). In addition to writing monthly columns for Rogue Women Writers and RMMWA, he is the author of THE BIG WEIRD: Haikus in Times of Pandemic and Chaos

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  1. Rogue Women Writers

    I can never figure these out. However, it always great fun to see who can. Thanks, Z/J. for your great contributions to our Rogue blogs…..Karna Bodman

  2. Lisa Black

    I know but I’m not telling…mwahahaha!!!