Did you know our Rogue Karna Bodman enjoys turning from thrillers to poetry? Inspiration struck one evening while visiting Jackson Hole and she jotted down An RV Wife, which later won Honorable Mention in a Writer’s Digest contest.


Now I’m a guy who really loves

The great outdoors, you know

Jus’ gimme my gun, my fishin’ rod

An’ my dog – whose name is Joe.

I hit the road for weeks on end

Cause travelin’s been my life

But now I need jus’ one more thing

I need an RV wife!

I searched around in all the bars

I checked the pool halls too

I couldn’t find a gal nowhere

I thought, “What can I do?”


I don’t know ‘bout this internet

Or “Match.com” and such

But I wrote me an ad, ‘cause I thought, “Why not?

The words won’t cost me much.”

It said, “Wanted: a gal who’ll come along

And share the outdoor life

Wanted: a gal who’ll cook and clean

And be my RV wife.”

Then I waited and waited, and frittered my time

Until finally, one great day

I got a reply, and I thought to myself,

I wonder what she’ll say.

looking for an RV wife

She said, “Hi there, cowboy, liked your ad

Maybe we could cut a deal

I like to hunt, I like to fish

I got my rod and reel.”

So, I’ll come with you for half the time,

We’ll take a good long ride.

But the other half we’ll spend at home

In my own triple-wide.

So we partnered up, and I got to say

She’s no Winona Ryder

She ain’t real purdy, but she’s not so bad

That I’d always have to hide ‘er

So I sold my tent an’ my Coleman stove

And I started my new life

I’m glad I got the gal who is

My bran’ new RV wife

an RV wife

Karna Small Bodman
Based in several states, including Florida, author of several thrillers, a children's book, and this blog: Tips from the Top

Karna Small Bodman is the author of five international thrillers that have hit #1 in Thrillers on Amazon and won several awards, as well as a series of children’s picture books. Her books were inspired by the six years she served in the Reagan White House, first as Deputy Press Secretary, later as Senior Director of the National Security Council where she was the highest-ranking woman on the White House staff. On book tours she has given over 400 speeches and interviews nation-wide.  When not writing or traveling, she is serving on several boards and swimming laps at their homes in Naples, FL, and Washington, DC. 

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  1. Lisa Black

    I didn’t know cowboy poetry was a thing, but this is destined to be a classic!

  2. Karna Small Bodman

    Thanks, Lisa – don’t I wish. Since I only write lyrics – I’d love to find a country musician who could put it to music. If anyone has a contact – let me know. Merry Christmas all.

  3. Chris Goff

    The National Cowboy Poetry Gathering is held in Elmo, Nevada, but Colorado holds its own Colorado Cowboy Gathering every year to showcase cowboy performers (stories, poetry and songs). It happens in January this year, in Golden. I grew up in a small mountain community in Colorado, with a lot of ranches, and cowboy poetry was often shared at the local rodeo and cowboy bars. I was surprised to know you’d written some cowboy poetry, and it is very good. Here’s hoping you find that musician to put it to music. Cooper Allen?

  4. John Blakely

    Excellent, how can we hear it?

    • Karna Small Bodman

      IF I can find someone to put these lyrics to music and record it – then we can all listen! Thans for your comment!

    • Karna Small Bodman

      Hey John –IF I can find someone to put these lyrics to music and record it – then we can all listen! Thans for your comment!