by | Sep 12, 2023 | Mystery Minute, On writing | 2 comments

By Z.J. Czupor

On Tour with Dead Writers is Z.J. Czupor‘s new installment on Rogue Women Writers. Guess the correct dead writer and be entered to win a free book.

a Google Doodle for a dead writer

A Google Doodle was created specifically for this internationally acclaimed mystery author on April 23, 2015. The Doodle honors her prolific output as she wrote mysteries during the “Golden Age of Detective Fiction” in the 1920s and 1930s. In her lifetime, she published 32 detective novels and is known as one of the “Queens of Crime.” In several of her novels she incorporated her other two passions—theater and painting. An additional novel was published posthumously. In addition to the Google Doodle, her home country honored her with a stamp in 1989.

Who was this beloved and acclaimed author?

The winner–Brenda in Ohio–was randomly chosen from those who responded to mysteryminutecontest@gmail.com with the correct answer by 12:00 p.m., ET, September 20th. The prize? A book by one of our Rogue authors! This month it was Red Flags by Lisa Black.

Did you guess Roald Dahl last month? Eda in Iowa won a copy of Chris Goff‘s Dark Waters!

Z.J. Czupor is president of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and past Vice President of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Mystery Writers of America (RMMWA). In addition to writing monthly columns for Rogue Women Writers and RMMWA, he is the author of THE BIG WEIRD: Haikus in Times of Pandemic and Chaos

Don’t Miss a Thing!



  1. Karna Small Bodman

    Wish I knew. However, I’m sure one of our many readers will figure it out. Thanks, as always, for being our great guest blogger!!!

  2. Lisa Black

    I know…but that’s because I put this post up! But I won’t tell—ha ha ha!! (Insert ‘evil villain laugh’ here.)