It’s a Rogue Roundup: See what we Rogues discovered, researched, and talked about in July…
We started July off by getting cozy with a killer. Yep, you ready that right. Guest Author Nikki Knight introduced us to her cozy assassin character, Grace Adair—giving us some behind the scenes intel on Grace’s much darker origin story.
Rogue Reads was on hiatus last month, however in early July we still had June winners to announce. Once Nikki Knight was on her way, we took a moment to do just that. See who won what in our June Rogue Reads Giveaway Announcement.
Also keep an ear out for who’s attending our September Rogue Reads Event! We’ll be letting you know soon.
We announced our Giveaway winners, however we weren’t yet finished sending out free books—Fun Fact: Rogues love giving away books. Next up in July was On Tour With Dead Writers, Z.J. Czupor‘s monthly investigative game of guess who. Test your skills by reading Z.J.’s clues, and try your hand next month by emailing your guess to
According to Amy Poehler, downsizing is an opportunity. Last month, Chris Goff attempted to take her advice—and that of several authors—to heart. See what she recommends reading (& watching!) to guide your clutter cleansing.
We received a visit from Guest Author Wendy Whitman toward the end of July. She took us inside the mind of a serial killer. Her aim? She wants readers to understand what it feels like to be murdered.
Not long later, we here at Rogue Headquarters received a wire in morse code entitled DISPATCH FROM THE CAVE(STOP) Origin: The subterranean writing lair of Tracy Clark. We have decoded the dispatch and must sadly report that Tracy approaches a hard deadline and may not be emerging from her writing cave before Bouchercon.
That’s a wrap for our July Rogue Roundup. Plan ahead for August by joining our newsletter! You’ll be the first to learn about giveaways and new posts, as well as receive subscriber-only content—like extra clues for On Tour with Dead Writers.