by | Jul 12, 2023 | Giveaways, Rogue Reads

Four lucky registrants for June Rogue Reads won books by our guest authors! Were you one?

Rose in Pennsylvania responded to the news this way: “I won a book!  How terrific is that.  Thank you to the Rogue Women Writers for making this possible. 

I really enjoy monthly Rogue Reads.  It definitely adds more books to my TBR. What an enjoyable evening listening to writers talk about their books.  I am a lifelong reader and truly enjoy meeting the authors through your presentations.

I look forward to reading Steve Berry’s new book,  This will be the first book I am reading from this author. Thanks Steve Berry and Rogue Women Writers for sending a copy of this book.”

Iris in New York was excited to win Kate White‘s new book.

“Thank you for the honor!”

GayLynn from Pennsylvania won Isabella Maldonado‘s book A Killer’s Game. She writes: “I love it when the “Rogues” gather together a group of authors and invite us to tune in! It is always unique and entertaining, and often introduces me to new authors. This time it was Isabella Maldonado and I look forward to reading her new book, A Killer’s Game!”

Greg from Alabama won Richard North Patterson’s Trial.

“This was my first time watching a Rogue Reads author interview. I got the link from Steve Berry Facebook page, for whom I am a big fan. I really enjoyed the session and found it very interesting. I will admit I haven’t read a Richard North Patterson book but what a perfect way to dip my toes into his works!”

Be sure to join us when Rogue Reads starts up again in fall! Mark your calendars for September 18th!

Don’t Miss a Thing!
