by | Mar 6, 2023 | Rogue Roundup

What we Rogues discovered, researched, and talked about in February

Our extraordinary guest, Jerri Williams, went Rogue to open February with inspiration: telling us all about her podcast, FBI Retired Case File Review, which is not only fascinating but can provide story ideas for the thriller writer.

FBI case file review

Z.J. Czupor let us in on an early Mystery Minute featuring an acclaimed, complex author of forty-three novels who wrote under three pseudonyms alongside her real name.

Next, Jenny Milchman pulled a chair beneath the stairs and intentionally took up space, for no matter what kind of work you do, you’ll be better off doing it in a You space.

rogue roundup

Hitting the dreaded writer’s block? Alex Kava has seven tips for you that don’t require downloading a new app or learning a new software program.

No writers block, but you do get insane new book jitters? Shake ’em off and embrace the glee of writing with Tosca Lee—plus readers learned how to best support your favorite author’s new book!

Block broken and jitters shaken, we looked back on our February Rogue Reads event to reveal the four registrants who won books by E.A. Aymar, Deborah Crombie, Sean Doolittle, and Carlene O’Connor! Make sure you register for the March Rogue Reads for a chance to win in our next giveaway!

That’s a wrap for February! We hope none of you saw your shadows last month, and that Spring will arrive with fervor by the time our next Rogue Roundup swings around.

Don’t Miss a Thing!
