It’s a Rogue Roundup: See what we Rogues discovered, researched, and talked about in November…
December began with neither snow nor winter. Rather, we started the month down South, in Naples, Florida, where a number of bestselling authors have made their home. Karna Small Bodman told us of the creative inspiration she and other authors have found there.
In true holiday fashion, we then flew cross-country. Arriving in Hollywood, we caught our guest author, Jule Selbo, on her way out. Closing the door on her Hollywood writing career, she turned to the story genre she adored in her childhood: Crime Mystery.
Next, we thought back on the most important type of advice: Mom’s.. Do you still follow it? Upon leaving the academy, Isabella Maldonado quickly discovered that the best cops are great at ignoring it. Discover why in her blog, where she tells us us everything she did as a cop that her mother taught her not to do.
The second Tuesday of the month arrived on Isabella’s heels. You know what that means: Z.J. Czupor‘s On Tour with Dead Writers. December’s mystery author had us investigating Poets’ Corner and one literary genius buried within. Who were they?
With December nearing its end, Jenny Milchman found absurd resolutions appearing left and right and decided enough was enough. She put her foot down on banning all carbs and living at the gym. Instead, she has a better proposal: Fun Resolutions. Discover her twelve, bite-sized and practical resolutions for readers and writers in 2024.
Lastly, Alex Kava ended December with not only a celebration—as we are ought to do—but also a question. For New Years, we popped the corks at midnight, however Alex was still puzzling over a different question, that of “When?” Discover the qualms of her query—and maybe give her an answer—on her blog When to Celebrate a New Novel.
Now, like the last of New Year’s firework smoke (hopefully), December has faded away. Thank you for stopping by another Rogue Roundup. Rogue Reads will be returning this month, so check out our lineup!