By Tosca Lee So, it’s been a few years.  I have friends who put out a book a year. Sometimes two. I have one friend releasing three this year. But it’s been nearly four years since my last book release, and now with the May 2 release date for my upcoming WWII novel with Marcus Brotherton...

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By Tosca Lee A Single Light, large print edition I got the greatest email from a reader the other day. It was from a gentleman who said he had graduated to the large-print section of the library and had picked out my novel, A Single Light, for the sole reason that it had a helicopter on it. (Note,...

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ROGUE FLASH – Tosca Lee’s WWII Novel

It's official! Our very own Tosca Lee has signed on to write her World War II novel, The Long March Home, with Revell—a division of Bakers Publishing Group. This coming-of-age story is set for a May 2023 launch and was co-authored with fellow bestselling author Marcus Brotherton, who recently...

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by Tosca Lee Mom, 1958 I got the gift of a lifetime in the mail a few weeks ago. It was Laura—My Story, a book written by my mother. It isn’t her first book; my mother is a genealogist and has published several volumes already on our family history. But it’s the first that is uniquely hers. Within...

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By Tosca Lee At one time I meant to stencile “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here” above my office door. They’re the words in Dante’s Inferno carved above the gate to hell. Yes, it might be dark–made complete by the ever-favorite shot of a piano about to crush me Wiley E. Coyote style (a too-apt...

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By Tosca Lee Five days ago my husband and I returned from the United Arab Emirates, where we’d flown for a short, four-day visit to the Sharjah International Book Fair—currently the largest in the world. We’d never been to the UAE before, so just going at all was an amazing adventure for us. But...

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By Tosca Lee I get twitchy in the fall.  As minutes of daylight seep from the end of each day, the old restless anxiety creeps in. I know those dark, early evenings are on their way. And, here in the Midwest, the cold comes with it. Don’t get me wrong—I love winter holidays. It’s just that...

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Don’t Miss a Thing!
