On Tour With Dead Writers By Z.J. Czupor On Tour with Dead Writers is Z.J. Czupor's new installment on Rogue Women Writers. Guess the correct dead writer and be entered to win a free book. Bob Kane (1915-1998), the creator of comic-book and film character “Batman” credits his watching this 1930...
YOU CAN’T SAY THAT: A (Very) Brief History of Libel
By Lisa Black After a mild argument with my husband about the difference between free speech and libel/slander, I got curious about when actual laws prohibiting either hit the books. Both crimes come under the heading of defamation, which simply means to express something to a third party that...
by Tosca Lee Mom, 1958 I got the gift of a lifetime in the mail a few weeks ago. It was Laura—My Story, a book written by my mother. It isn’t her first book; my mother is a genealogist and has published several volumes already on our family history. But it’s the first that is uniquely hers. Within...
By Karna Small Bodman Christmas shopping is in full swing, so I asked my family and a few friends to recommend books in various genres for consideration as Christmas gifts. All of these suggestions are newly released, and all have hit the bestseller lists. For the history buff: A Very Short...
Karna Small Bodman reflects on the 40th anniversary of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.