By Wendy Whitman My obsession with murder and my experience working at Court TV and on the Nancy Grace show were the catalysts for my writing journey. My debut crime thriller Premonition was meant in large part to be a tribute to all the murder victims I covered during the course of my nearly...
By Tracy Clark I've had a heck of a time writing lately. Shirtsleeves up. Eyes on my laptop. Fingers on the keyboard. Digging for diamonds like those seven little Disney guys. I started a new crime series. And I’m a pantser. Feel me? This means I started with zip, which is fine. I always start...
THE SCENE OF THE CRIME – Real places, sure, but I’m not above taking liberties
by Tracy Clark I dunno about you guys, but I don’t just dump a body anywhere. I give it some thought. A lot of thought. You know I’m speaking fictionally, right? Location is important. It sets a mood. If you choose the right spot, it can give a reader thrills and chills. If you really nail...
BACK TO NORMAL…whatever that is!
Me, shooting the machine gun by Chris Goff For years my non-writer friends have thought me crazy. After all, who but a mystery/thriller writer would spend Thanksgiving weekend, their family in tow, at a machine gun shoot just so they could fire an AK47? Or give up precious free time tailing...