It’s a Rogue Roundup: See what we Rogues discovered, researched, and talked about in October…
We started October off with ZJ Czupor‘s monthly installment of On Tour with Dead Writers. This month we put finger to brain to pick out the identity of a certain author several books of history and a western series who rubbed shoulders with many a famous author. Check your guess against the answer now up on The Mystery of Sunnyside.
Next, we went up the lazy river with Tracy Clark, who recently got back from a conference of authors who considered murder in their downtime. Discover their conclusions in her most recent blog.
How long do you think it takes to get published, much less hit the bestsellers list? Karna Small Bodman has done the research and is here with the tips from top.
To wrap up the month, we had an extraordinary guest author stop by. George Mehok went rogue, exploring the role of tragedy in two thriller novels and its impact on characterization and their father-daughter dynamics.
That’s all for the October Rogue Roundup! Join us November 18 for the next Rogue Reads.
We’ll see you then and, until next time, stay Rogue.