by | Aug 3, 2024 | Rogue Roundup

It’s a Rogue Roundup: See what we Rogues discovered, researched, and talked about in July…

What role does reality play in tales of fiction? Most fiction writers sprinkle in real-life bits and pieces. And, if we’re good at it, our readers can’t tell what’s real and what’s fiction. Alex Kava starts off our month by teasing out the serial killer who haunted her community and inspired her debut, A Perfect Evil, as well as revealing the true-to-life eateries which appear in her other novels.

Rogue Roundup - What's Real, What's Fiction?

On the second Tuesday of the month, Z.J. Czupor‘s On Tour with Dead Writers brought us clues to a mystery author who both won a Pulitzer Prize for his work and (separately) collaborated with Jimmy Buffett. Who was he?

We all know at this point that Tosca Lee‘s favorite part of writing is meeting people—her own fans and her author idols. She now introduces us to the fine art of Fangirling. A how-to guide on crafting wordsalads, succumbing to hyperventilation, and capturing the best awkward photos with your heroes.

Recall you favorite authors a moment, do they the best villains? Lisa Black gets to bottom of villains with the AI ChatGPT, discussing the scariest villains of literature.

July Rogue Roundup - Scariest Villains

Lastly, Chris Goff throws a celebration for our eighth anniversary(!!). She’s delved into the archives and returned with her nine all-time favorite blogs on RWW.

Thank you for joining us for the July Rogue Roundup.  Rogue Reads will be on hiatus for August, however the next On Tour with Dead Writers will be out August 13 and we’ll be bringing you blogs weekly!
Until next time, stay Rogue.

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